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Working Towards a Common Goal

Kerawa Works, Inc. is an agent of change. In summary, our vision is to create collaborations empowered to build affordable housing with integrated renewable energy solutions in the USA and abroad. We're actively seeking to work with individuals, businesses and organizations that find a point of synergy in our goals. We believe a compelling way to promote collaboration in the affordable housing and renewable energy industry is to highlight the mutual benefits for the stakeholders and agents of positive change in both sectors. Investors, Private Lenders, Land Owners, Home Designers, Architects, Engineers, Builders, Installers, NGO's and individuals focused on Community Outreach & Development, Suppliers, Providers and Marketing & Advertising Agencies.
Emphasizing how affordable housing projects and programs can benefit from incorporating renewable energy solutions, such as reduced operating costs, integrated emergency power, energy storage systems and increased sustainability, while renewable energy projects can find new opportunities for growth and investment through partnerships with affordable housing developers, NGO's and investors to build affordable homes with eco-friendly materials and advanced construction techniques. By showcasing the potential for sharing complementary goals, financial viability and shared values, stakeholders and agents of change in both broad industries can be encouraged to work together towards a more sustainable future and provide a clear path to home ownership in the USA and abroad.

Contact us to download a copy of our Collaborative Vision Summary

Atlanta, Georgia, USA Phone: +1 770-233-7461